- creating ads is a matter of creating believe. How sure you know that the audience believe what you say?
- Finding insights is more enjoyable if it is done by the creatives. We're more fun to find the words..
- kebanyakan iklan iklan yang award winning is just iklan iklan 'genit'
- insightful ads ga harus makan waktu 1 menitan or so..
- nyari 'bridge' buat ngehubungin konsep produk dengan kenyataan di konsumen itu sama sekali ga susah, asalkan kita ga males.. sejam juga dapet.
- belajar advertising itu paling enak dilakuin bareng-bareng.(yaa analoginya mirip orgy party deh)
- the church is not a hall of super saints, but a hospital of sick and sinners.
- to say that you are following the rules, not necessarily means that you have to majoring in the minors.
and thanks to Desmond for the last two points.
Lo berdua emang powerful banged.
i forgot one thing, in finishing this statement i then found one other knowledge to share to you:
sharing your opinion and writing it in two language at a time, is SUCK for the reader! hehe..