The plan is...
to have 'si beben' placed and get registered to a pre-school, which for kids at his age those kind of school is mostly 'play-time'...
The trouble is..
turns out that the registration issue consist of so many things... almost like those bapak-bapak who wants to be a legislative candidates (hehe.. sok tau and sok lebay)
The big thing for me is, they need a formal photograph of him!
Oh my.. this is definitely gonna be a torture for us to make him sit still and do this formal thing called taking STILL pictures the RIGHT waay...
So, here are my options.
Option 1.
Take him to foto studio. Give toys as a bait, then hurry the 'mas-mas' to snap his pictures as bright as possible. One toy, Get set, SNAP! Two toys, get set, SNAP.. SNAP!!
Option 2.
Place him in his homebase. Play his favourite Brainy Baby on the TV. Make him sit nicely on the sofa.. then while he concentrating on the songs and plays in the tube (which usually only happens on the first 5 minutes), take his pictures quickly, then smile gloriously like a champion.
Ok then.
Option 1 turns out to be a big no no..
Option 2 chosen. Brainy Baby on..
Just when he is sit still for 5 minutes. Turns out that formal photograph MUST be taken from straight position. Which means that I have to face the camera in front of his face, right?
Bad idea. He's concentrating on the movie in the tube, not concentrating to the camera, papa!
Here's what I got..
When the 5 minutes deadline is almost over...
I got panicked. This is not a good idea after all.
Then with some wrong settings and twisting button I mistakenly snapped his pictures with flash settings ON. The blitz struck his face for the first time, and suddenly he stunned. Completely forgot the movie for a while, he turns and make the best grin for the camera to take.
Oh my.. this is it!!
I rush him to stand in front of a plain wall. Then snapped his face with pouring flash ligths. And he just make other kind of grin but nothing like a formal photograph should be.
Oh man.. after 15 shots or so in the midst of catching his breath between poses, I manage to take a STILL face of him. FINALLY!!!
And here we go..
look at the final result..
So Headmaster, here's to you!
a formal procedures photograph which doesn't resembles my son's character whatsoever..
Why does it have to so formal, huh?
the grinning face is so much better, kan??
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Aargh Ich Uwh Eh Oowwh... part 3. - season finale -
To fly without wings in one thing.
But flying with wings is also a big thing.
Especially for those who don't know how to fly in the first place.
Knowing that these several months, this blog has been so damn peacefully quiet,
I decided that now the truth shall reveals itself.
As you probably guessed from two previous entree, this neurotic-bubbling-under situation has finally reach it's peak.
In the end, there's no good stories without it's climax.
The plot has swinging so smoothly until all 5 of us, which used to be 6,
now standing in our biggest cross road.
The terms Dedicated Creative Freelancer now has shortened the attention into just 4 letters and 4 letters only, F R E E.
Aaarrgghhh, why does it feels like a premature ejaculation??!!
Iiccch, and now I have all of these on my own?
Uuuwwh, how high is high enough?
Eeh, guess now is the time then..
Ooooowwhh... Keeehhhh!! Get set.. GO!
Tuesday, May 06, 2008
Aargh Ich Uwh Eh Oowwh... part 2.
4 months ago, somewhere in East Jakarta.
On a bright sunny morning, the verdict comes along..
Out of the blue, my future was becoming so untrue.
I used to be doing a crazy creative job running every aspect of advertising, and I mean every aspect of it.
But then suddenly there comes an idea of doing those work, on a kind of freelance basis.
Do you get what I mean?
Absolutely not.
I have the same puzzled mind upon hearing this idea came from my boss.
Basicly, they want me to lead a small team of creative people crazy enough to work as a dedicated creative freelancer. And here's the definition of that title:
DEDICATED: meaning we're still working as Nutrifood Employee, enjoying every aspects and its' facilities as before. Nothing's ever gonna changed.
CREATIVE: meaning we're still doing what we used to do. Only now we're given a selected kind of jobs. In short, we're mainly deals with new concepts for ATL, Packaging and Branding stuffs.
FREELANCER: meaning you don't have to come to the office anymore. Do what you supposed to do anywhere you want, anytime you like.
What do you think? Sounds like a dream job, eh?
Of course I was jumping up and down when my boss discussed this idea with me.
R U kidding? You will have the flexibility of a freelancer, but then you still got the same salary as an employee.. Who wouldn't like to work like that?
Anyone could kill me to get a chance for a job like this.
Of course everybody was reacting crazy when the small team was announced. Well, at least I assumed they act crazy behind our back. This is like having a spotlight directly on your face, while everybody else waiting and seeing your every move, inch by inch. Do they really that good? Why do they become the special ones?
Brrrr.... My face is chilled with the pressure and the breezing cold wind through these shakin bones.
Lucky for me, my face won't be in the office everyday no more. Hehehe..
Wait till you get to the next part.
The thrilling scene is yet to come.
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Aargh Iiich Uuhhh Eh Owwhh.. part.1
Aaargh! Kenapa juga ga sekalian aja gue manfaatin? Bego!
Aaargh! Gila ya, kok bisa-bisanya sih dia semau-maunya..
Iich, gemes deh! jadi kamu maunya apa sih?
Iiich, tau gini sih dulu ga gue jadiin sekalian.
Iiich, ga nyangka lho. Ternyata dia itu begitu..
Uuuhhh, mereka ga tau sih kita kaya apa sebenernya..
Uuuuhh, bisa ga ya dia ngertiin kita sedikiiiitttt aja.
Uuuuuh, kapan ya semua bisa seperti yang kita mau..
Eh, tapi kan sebenernya sekarang lebih mendingan ah.
Eh, kayanya ini emang disengaja deh.
Eh, jangan-jangan apa yang dia omongin sama nih..
Oowwhh, sekarang kayanya gue ngerti deh.
Ooowhh, jadi sebenernya ini udah direncanain sih ya..
Ooowhh, makasih lho masih dikasi kesempatan kaya gini.
Makasih buat semuanya, JC!
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