Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Aargh Ich Uwh Eh Oowwh... part 3. - season finale -

To fly without wings in one thing.

But flying with wings is also a big thing.

Especially for those who don't know how to fly in the first place.

Knowing that these several months, this blog has been so damn peacefully quiet,

I decided that now the truth shall reveals itself.

As you probably guessed from two previous entree,
this neurotic-bubbling-under situation has finally reach it's peak.
In the end, there's no good stories without it's climax.

The plot has swinging so smoothly until all 5 of us, which used to be 6,
now standing in our biggest cross road.

The terms Dedicated Creative Freelancer now has shortened the attention into just 4 letters and 4 letters only, F R E E.

Aaarrgghhh, why does it feels like a premature ejaculation??!!

Iiccch, and now I have all of these on my own?

Uuuwwh, how high is high enough?

Eeh, guess now is the time then..

Ooooowwhh... Keeehhhh!! Get set.. GO!

1 comment:

rikkylin said...

the feeling of premature ejaculation can be describe as premature "pup" alias mencret blepetan, ujung2nya sama2 lega dan harus bersih2 juga...